Kleiber conducts Die Fledermaus

Kleiber conducts Die Fledermaus

Bayerische Staatsoper

Production Date: 31/12/1986
156 Min

The chords that launch Johann Strauss's Die Fledermaus are like corks popping open: and in this live Bavarian State Opera performance from 1987, you can practically feel the air tingle with excitement. The meeting of Carlos Kleiber – the supreme post-war embodiment of old Viennese flair – and the greatest of all Viennese operettas was always going to be a champagne moment, but Kleiber's joyous, effortlessly stylish conducting is merely part of an overall experience that includes Pamela Coburn and Eberhard Waechter as Rosalinde and Eisenstein, plus an unforgettable cameo from Brigitte Fassbaender as Orlofsky. In Otto Schenk’s period-set staging, this is irresistibly classy fun – with a packed Munich audience clearly enjoying every minute.

Brigitte Fassbaender (Contralto), Ferry Gruber (Tenor), Benno Kusche (Baritone), Franz Muxeneder (Actor/Singer), Janet Perry (Soprano), Eberhard Wächter (Baritone), Pamela Coburn (Soprano), Josef Hopferwieser (Tenor), Wolfgang Brendel (Baritone), Ivan Unger (Actor/Singer), Irene Steinbeißer (Actor/Singer)
Chor der Bayerischen Staatsoper, Bayerisches Staatsorchester, Ballett der Bayerischen Staatsoper
Carlos Kleiber

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