Michael & Daniel Barenboim play Mozart Violin Sonatas - Part 2

Michael & Daniel Barenboim play Mozart Violin Sonatas - Part 2

Pierre Boulez Saal

Production Date: 10/04/2020
35 Min

Daniel Barenboim returns to the Pierre Boulez Saal with his son Michael to perform the last of Mozart’s three late Viennese sonatas. The piano part of the Violin Sonata in A Major is one of the most demanding written by Mozart, but as with the other sonatas of the time, is wrapped in elegance and joyful compatibility with the accompanying violin. With neither instrument having priority over the other, the work requires both musicians to listen, as well as interact with great ease and trust. With the highest level of skill and mastery, the Barenboims navigate the exceptionally quick tempi and the Bach-like counterpoint of Mozart’s ever-ingenious concerto style.

Daniel Barenboim (Piano), Michael Barenboim (Violin)