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The Parley of Instruments
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Orpheus with His Lute: Music for Shakespeare from Purcell to Arne (English Orpheus 50)
Catherine Bott, The Parley of Instruments, Peter Holman
Nativity: Christmas Music from Georgian England (English Orpheus 49)
Psalmody, The Parley of Instruments, Peter Holman
The Fam'd Italian Masters: Baroque Music for Trumpets & Strings
Crispian Steele-Perkins, Alison Balsom, The Parley of Instruments
Christmas Through the Ages
Various Artists
Praetorius: Dances from Terpsichore
The Parley of Instruments, Peter Holman
Salve Regina: Sacred Music by Monteverdi & His Venetian Followers
Robin Blaze, The Parley of Instruments, Peter Holman
Bach: Cantatas Nos. 82, 202 "Wedding" & 208 "Hunt"
Taverner Players, The Parley of Instruments
Haydn & His English Friends (English Orpheus 48)
Psalmody, The Parley of Instruments, Peter Holman
Fairest Isle: A New National Songbook (English Orpheus 47)
Catherine Bott, Joseph Cornwell, The Parley of Instruments
The Noble Bass Viol (English Orpheus 46)
The Parley of Instruments
German 17th-Century Church Music
Robin Blaze, The Parley of Instruments
Handel in Hamburg, 1703-1707: Suites from the Early Operas
The Parley of Instruments, Peter Holman
Linley Jr: The Song of Moses & Let God Arise (English Orpheus 45)
The Parley of Instruments, Peter Holman
Blow, Boyce & Handel: Music for St Paul's
St Paul's Cathedral Choir, The Parley of Instruments, John Scott
Vital Spark of Heav'nly Flame: English Church Music, 1760-1840 (English Orpheus 44)
Psalmody, The Parley of Instruments, Peter Holman
Hark! Hark! the Lark: Music for Shakespeare's Company (English Orpheus 43)
Catherine Bott, Julia Gooding, Joseph Cornwell, Stephen Varcoe, The Parley of Instruments, Peter Holman
Cavalli: Messa Concertata & Other Works
Seicento, The Parley of Instruments, Peter Holman
Musique of Violenze: Dances & Popular Tunes for Queen Elizabeth’s Violin Band (English Orpheus 42)
The Parley of Instruments
English Classical Clarinet Concertos (English Orpheus 39)
Colin Lawson, The Parley of Instruments, Peter Holman
While Shepherds Watched: Christmas Music from Parish Churches (English Orpheus 40)
Psalmody, The Parley of Instruments, Peter Holman
William Boyce: 15 Trio Sonatas (English Orpheus 38)
The Parley of Instruments, Peter Holman
English Classical Violin Concertos (English Orpheus 37)
Elizabeth Wallfisch, The Parley of Instruments, Peter Holman
A High-Priz'd Noise: Violin Music for Charles I (English Orpheus 36)
The Parley of Instruments, Peter Holman
Sound the Trumpet: Music By Purcell & His Followers (English Orpheus 35)
The Parley of Instruments, Peter Holman